Sunday, August 24, 2008

What I'm working with

This first image is a map I created in Google's Sketchup.  It shows a few of the dimension of the lot and the location of the planting beds (in brown).  Our lot is about 32 feet wide by 170 feet long, and the main garden area in back is the last 50 feet of the lot.

Next is the front garden area, where I have planted a fall garden and installed a drip irrigation system.  There are 5 rows, spaced 12-18 inches apart.  I'll write a separate post on this area and what I've got going on.

Next is the "side yard."  It's about 5.5 feet wide, and half of that is covered by a concrete sidewalk.  It is almost always in the shade.  However, our neighbors have offered to let us use the area above the retaining wall next to their house.  It's a little over a foot wide, and faces  south.

Here's a full view of the backyard with the lawn and most of the back garden visible:

Finally, the back garden with my hastily planted garden.  This one also deserves its own post a bit later:  


camie said...

what a good lookin' house... :(
but seriously folks, a great lookin' garden! i really hope the fall peas work out.

Allison said...

I'm anxious to see what you have planned. Especially what you are doing this fall.

Steve said...

I like the blog. I'm hoping you can help direct some of my own gardening ambitions. I want to hear more about your drip system. Great to see you guys the other day.