Working out in the garden today, trying to complete my list. I looked at the grapevine, and remembered that I had left one cluster on the vine, just to see what would happen. I had forgotten about it for over a month. To my great satisfaction it was still there, and the grapes: delicious!
In my mind, this is part of what growing your own food is all about: a quiet moment out in the garden, taking a break from the work, and enjoying a bunch of grapes grown a few feet away. Then, back to work, with the taste still lingering.
Happy New Year!
2 weeks ago
i just showed mom your post... she was pretty jealous. i love the colors of this picture.
I'm a condo owner across the street. While we have no real space for a plot, I will enjoy seeing yours develop.
Your work on the house and the yard are much appreciated.I'm passing along your concept to my daughter in Oakland, California.
Sounds wonderful. This coming from someone living in a one bedroom apartment in NYC! I will live vicariously through you. Great site!
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