After a two week setback due to a nasty cold, I've pretty much finished the greenhouse. 2x4 pine framing covered in greenhouse plastic, which has the texture of visquene but has been specially treated to withstand damage from UV rays, so it lasts longer and is a lot more expensive.
I ran battens down the rafters and studs to hold the plastic in place to increase strength - it's snowing right now so it will have its first test tonight.
The clerestory (the vertical portion at the peak of the roof) will eventually have windows, but I have just tacked the plastic over it for now. The windows will allow me to adjust the temperature and ventilation.
I haven't quite figured out how to organize the inside, yet. A place for tools, a workbench, and shelving for the seedlings will all be needed. It's waterproofed now, and I have one thermometer inside and one out to monitor the difference in temperature. I may also run electrical and water (when I re-do the sprinkler system) for added convenience.
Happy New Year!
2 weeks ago
it looks amazing babe! good work! i'm really ready for winter to end and all of your plants to start growing so i can eat it!
it's been cold here too, we've had a nasty inversion looming for weeks now.
seriously, very impressed with your gardening skills, when we have a big garden i will be tapping you for info.
job well done nate.
nice work. I'd love to have something like that.
Looks great!
Nate, once again impressed by your willingness to get so involved with all that is required for your garden. I love your green house and will look forward to enjoying the fruits of your labors.
Nate, Hi, long time...
Your green house looks awesome! Good work man. Mine is still in planning stages, but I'm salvaging some 5x5 double pane windows this weekend for it day.
Looking forward to hearing more about it
Love the greenhouse! Look like you're doing it right! The sprouting room in the basement is cool too! Loving it!
Jake @
This is going to be a labour of love. Enjoy!
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